Tag Archives: law-targeting

It’s been 14 years since Dolly the cloned sheep. Have scientists done anything comparable in importance this year?

Yesterday marked the 14th anniversary of Dolly's cloning. Have there been any recent scientific discoveries that are as monumental? added by: joshuaheller

AP Source: Feds suing to stop Ariz. immigrant law

The U.S. Justice Department is filing a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Arizona's tough new law targeting illegal immigrants. The planned lawsuit was confirmed to The Associated Press by a Justice Department official with knowledge of the plans. The official didn't want to be identified before a public announcement planned for later Tuesday. The lawsuit will argue that Arizona's new measure requiring state and local police to question and possibly arrest illegal immigrants during the enforcement of other laws, like traffic stops, usurps federal authority. Tuesday's action has been expected for weeks. President Barack Obama has called the state law misguided. Supporters say it is a reasonable reaction to federal inaction on immigration. added by: Stoneyroad