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Carter Kids: See What Tina Lawson Has To Say About Sir And Rumi’s Twin Tyke Personalities

Source: Paul Archuleta / Getty Tina Lawson Talks Sir And Rumi’s Personalities It’s not often that we get details about the newest Carter kids, Sir and Rumi , but grandmomma Tina gave some insight into the personalities of the twin siblings. USMagazine spoke to Lawson at the National CARES Mentoring Movement’s For the Love of Our Children Gala yesterday. “The girl is really just going to rule the world, and the boy is kind of laid back and chills like the dad,” Lawson even had some royal praise for Beyoncé and Jay’s first child: And when it comes to the couple’s 7-year-old, Blue Ivy Carter, Lawson added: “She’s the Queen B. The second Queen B.” Meemaw Tina is clearly proud of her family, she said that both her daughters are great people and “amazing parents” and says she occasionally babysits Sir and Juelz. “They are truly authentic and themselves, no matter what,” she said. “I taught them to change the world, don’t let it change you.” We imagine we’ll be seeing more of Sir and Rumi as they get older and a bit more developed but so far they sound like spitting images of their mom and dad.

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Carter Kids: See What Tina Lawson Has To Say About Sir And Rumi’s Twin Tyke Personalities