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Watch Lone Star Season 1 Episode 1 – Pilot

Watch Lone Star S1E1: Pilot A FOX new show, Lone Star, is about Robert Allen, who is a Texas newcomer and an oil business man who is also a professional scam artist that have got himself into a sticky situation that is more than he bar-gone for. Bob, who is a very cunning con-man, who leads to very distinct lives in the heart of Texas. In Houston, he is a son in law of a very rich Texas oil tycoon who he always tries to impress to make his position in their company more secure. Meanwhile, on the other side of Texas, he is a ruthless scam artist who takes the hard earned money from unsuspecting local investors, and he also has a girlfriend named Lindsay. After his wife’s father entrusted the company to him, he has mulling thoughts about letting go of his other life that he leads or still continue with handling it both. The pilot installment of FOX’s new show, Lone Star, which is entitled “Pilot” is new TV series’ 1st episode of the 1st season that aired last 09/20/2010 Monday at 9:00 PM on FOX. Watch Lone Star 1×1(0101) Free Online Streaming Full Episodes Replay of the Latest Season and Video Clip Download Link:

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Watch Lone Star Season 1 Episode 1 – Pilot