Tag Archives: leaking-info

Damn, Sista: DNC Chair Donna Brazile Axed By CNN For Leaking Debate Question To Hillary Clinton

Donna Brazile Resigns From CNN For Leaking Info To Hillary Clinton About Debates Long-time CNN contributor and Democratic National Convention chairwoman Donna Brazile resigned from her position as “talking head” amid a new Hillary Clinton scandal. According to NYDailyNews , the recent Wikileaks email hack revealed that Brazile tipped off Clinton to the potential questions ahead of the Presidential debate. “CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate. We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor,” CNN spokeswoman Lauren Pratapas said in a statement. Reports show that Brazile would hip Hillary to other questions to prepare her for any sneak attacks In early March, before an upcoming CNN town hall, she suggested Clinton work on her explanation that she approves of the death penalty. A week earlier, she fed intel that a woman from Flint, Michigan would ask at a debate about “what, if anything” Clinton would do to help the town deal with its lead poisoning crisis. Damn, we like Donna Brazile. Hopefully this doesn’t permanently tarnish her career in politics. Image via DonnaBrazile

Damn, Sista: DNC Chair Donna Brazile Axed By CNN For Leaking Debate Question To Hillary Clinton