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And the Most-Paused Moment in Movie History Is… [PICS, VIDEO]

Considering that Mr. Skin was basically born with remote in hand, this new survey by the British movie-rental website LOVEFiLM (basically Europe’s version of Netflix) fits right in with our philosophy of “fast-forwarding to the good parts.” LOVEFiLM recently polled its subscriber base of 1.6 million film lovers, asking them what movie moments made them stop, rewind and hit the pause button (or go frame-by-frame, if you’re fancy). And to our delight, the resulting top 10 leans heavily on forbidden flashes of skin, with Sharon Stone ‘s SKINfamous leg-crossing scene from Basic Instinct (1992) coming in at #1. 31% of those polled said they had paused the movie to get a better look at Sharon’s bare snatch, proving that everybody’s got a little Mr. Skin in them after all. See the rest of LOVEFiLM’s Top 10 Most-Paused Movie Moments after the jump!

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And the Most-Paused Moment in Movie History Is… [PICS, VIDEO]