Tag Archives: least-married

Mandy Moore and Minka Kelly Together of the DAy

Mandy Moore and Minka Kelly were together…and the only people who cared were people who probably the only people who still visit blogs to see what people like Mandy Moore is up to…you see the young people have probably never heard of her, she’s done a bad job staying relevant and the only people who do care are the 40 somethings who would jerk off to her when she was “jailbait”… SO I would assume that this pic of her at the gym don’t matter, because she doesn’t matter, but for the people who love her, and still believe in her, this is probably a huge fucking deal and the level of pathetic in that is enough for me to taunt the fan boys with…I have a very dull life. I realize that. But at least I’m not the one looking into Mandy Moore because I actually care…I am just the one who’s saving a re-uploading the picture of Mandy Moore to prove just how much I don’t care… The post Mandy Moore and Minka Kelly Together of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mandy Moore and Minka Kelly Together of the DAy

13 Minutes of Girls on Trampolines of the Day

I would assume that this video is not about to win any film festival awards for genius, but I will argue that the storyline and execution is probably better than most of the smut coming out of Hollywood, and I’m not just saying that because I am a bitter man, or because I am a frat boy half retard who likes girls jumping in slow motion on trampolines, and that is enough of a story for me to really commit to the cause for the 13 minutes they want from me…actually..it is… The simplicity of producing shit like this, or girls skipping, or girls doing push ups, or girls just sitting around doing nothing while showing off ass or tits…is one of the last pure things in this world that reminds us that we are half retards…and this is all it takes. The post 13 Minutes of Girls on Trampolines of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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13 Minutes of Girls on Trampolines of the Day

Grace Jones Interesting Outfit of the Day

I come from an era where porn was shown in art house theatres and peep shows…where tits were really only available to you in Playboy and Penthouse and Hustler and pretty hard to get your hands on, and when you did get your hands on it, you wanted to wash your hands because everyone who got to it before you had cummed to the girl, magazine in hand…which was kind of gross unless you were a faggot, which was an accepted term for a faggot at the time. That said, the one thing that was easy, readily availabkle, unsuspecting tits was National Geographic with their tribal photography… So old as fuck James Bond Grace Jones dressed up tribal, showed some tits on stage and the whole thing was terribly racist, but not as racist as if a white guy did it…but luckily it involved 60 year old non-tribal nipples…oretending to be tribal…which I guess is dreams coming true to someone….just not me… The post Grace Jones Interesting Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Grace Jones Interesting Outfit of the Day

Michelle Buswell in a Bathing Suit for Elle Spain of the Day

Michelle Buswell is a 31 year old model…who has been a model for a long fucking time…probably longer than I’ve been doing this site..and for some reason, I’ve never heard of her..despite her probably being a millionaire because of modeling, or at least married to a billionaire as these models do… I am not saying I am the most prolific source of models and their bikini or nude or lingerie shoots on the internet,…but I am…and to not ever be featured in 10 years of this shit…is a fail on her part…I mean every girl’s dream is to have her tits on a blog written by some pervert loser with no friends, money or real authority in anyway…hell, I’m not even funny…why the fuck are you here? Oh right, model in a bikini, in her 30s, still hot, because I guess 30 isn’t that old when you’re dead on the inside. All this to say, I never bus well, bussing is the most humiliating, disgusting, depressing experience to remind you that you’ve lost at life…and here some bikinis on a babe in her 30s to rub it the fuck in.. The post Michelle Buswell in a Bathing Suit for Elle Spain of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Michelle Buswell in a Bathing Suit for Elle Spain of the Day