Tag Archives: least-pretend

Sofia Vergara Busts Out At The 21st annual SAG Awards

Supposedly the 21st annual SAG Awards were held last night, and I know it’s my job to at least pretend to watch this stuff. But I didn’t, because I had more important things to do — like fall asleep on my couch. That said, if I’d known  Sofia Vergara was going to show looking this good, I would’ve watched at least until the swimsuit portion of the evening. Hmm, wait, I might be thinking of a different show. Either way, enjoy the Sofia hotness. » view all 21 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Brooke Perry Is Blowing Up My Pants

This is kind of a good news/bad news situation. The bad is that Brooke Perry here still hasn’t agreed to go on a date with me for some reason, no matter how nicely I ask her on Twitter. But the good news is that I’ve got a seriously hot bikini photoshoot she did to share with you all today. OK, fine, so I know that you guys only care about that last one, but you could at least pretend to feel bad for me, you ungrateful bastards. » view all 18 photos

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Brooke Perry Is Blowing Up My Pants

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace Drops Some Cleavage

Most of you probably have no idea who this Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace bird is because, well because she’s a nobody, but I’ve been in the ass business for long enough to know that she’s a nobody who likes to show off her boobs. Unfortunately for us she’s not doing as good a job here as she has in the past. Bending over pretending to laugh… Give me a break. At least pretend to spill your purse, maybe we’ll get a bonus look up the skirt while you bend down to pick up your lady crap. Rookie.

Beyonce’s Thickness in Some Crazy Tight Shorts of the Day

Anyone who defends Beyonce by saying she’s got a perfect body or that she’s not fat has to be a chick who is either fatter than Beyonce, or just a feminist who hates how men objectify women. Cuz I can tell that even when this pig is in her shorts that aren’t meant to be this tight, but that ended up this tight, like a pair of spanx, even with spanx underneath that hides her pussy definition cuz she has to squeeze her thighs into anything that fits her upper body, in some kind of ego to scared to size-up at the big and tall store cuz that would mean she’s actually fat, instead of squeezing into these XXLs that look like an unattended peice of muslim luggage ready to explode… There is just no way dudes can look at this, take it seriously, and claim to like it….unless of course they are trying to impress a chick they are trying to fuck, in a “OMG, I know Beyonce is such a natural talent and totally beautiful” during date conversation, hoping for a night that ends in anal sex….of gay and hoping the night ends in anal sex…but never cuz they actually believe it. I just know the real loser in all this is Jay Z. He has to deal with all the bullshit that comes with this fat cunt or at least pretend to when he’s not fucking Rihanna.

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Beyonce’s Thickness in Some Crazy Tight Shorts of the Day

Cheryl Tweedy Knows How To Work The Stairs

Here’s one of the many internet loves of my life, Cheryl Tweedy , teasing and tantalizing in her short little skirt. I love this woman and I’m convinced that if she got to know me over cocktails she would at least pretend to be interested in my career as a blogger. That may be a stretch, but I’m sticking to it. I’m pretty sure the only reason man invented stairs was to watch hot chicks walk up and down them in awkward heels and little dresses.