Tag Archives: left-the-other

Britney Spears Conservatorship Nearing its End

Like an endangered species rehabilitated in captivity only to be released back into its natural environment, Britney Spears is about to be let back into the wild as her conservatorship appears to be nearing its end. The star’s father Jamie Spears, who has been in charge of her financial, medical and personal affairs for a year and a half, is ready to step down.

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Britney Spears Conservatorship Nearing its End

Jackson Family Feud Over Michael’s Will Intensifies

A bitter dispute over who will call the shots in probating Michael Jackson’s will is developing, with several of his family members pitted against one another. Michael’s mom Katherine Jackson’s attorney, Londell McMillan, will reportedly challenge the executors Michael Jackson picked, John Branca and John McClain.

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Jackson Family Feud Over Michael’s Will Intensifies