Tag Archives: legs-amputated

Iskra Lawrence Terrifying Bikini Thighs of the Day

I don’t know why Iskra Lawrence felt the need to rape our eyes on her social media feed with her massive thighs..but I guess we don’t have to look if we don’t want to…it is her feed and she can do what she want with it – like turn it into a fat chick fetish site and I guess that’s her right, it’s within the terms and services of Instagram, even though it’s fetish, it’s non nude fetish and they allow that…while they delete my accounts even when they aren’t nude…because IG is mean and I guess know better than to piss off a fat girl..with 3.7 million followers who will cause a fat girl uprising, and if all 3.7 million fat chicks into her jump at the same time, we could go into Apocalypse Now mode…SCARY…keep the fat girl calm…throw donuts at her… Anyway, Iskra Lawrence isn’t that interesting, but she found that being fat brought her success, when she was a non fat apsiring model no one cared about, so she kept getting fatter, and isn’t even a real fat chick, but rather a skinny chick turned fat to capitalize on the fat chick movement, and it’s a good troll really…it’s working…but eventually she’ll have her legs amputated by diabetes and get what she deserves…hard to run now, those thighs rubbing, heart racing..well it’s even harder to run footless…something her creepy fans are probably into…because it is easier to keep her captive… The post Iskra Lawrence Terrifying Bikini Thighs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Terrifying Bikini Thighs of the Day