Tag Archives: letters-filling

‘The Walking Dead’ Recap: Lets Not Follow The Plan

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E pisode 6, of The Walking Dead , titled “The King, the widow and Rick” breaks this season’s trend action-filled episodes and dials it back. Tonight’s episode opens up with each of the camps communicating with one another via letters filling each other on how the war with The Saviors is going. We learn that according to Rick the plan is working and that its main goal was to successfully cut off The Sanctuary’s supply route. That does seem to be the case based on the events that took place on last weeks episode where the workers decided to voice their frustrations.  The reaction to Rick’s word doesn’t invoke a spirit of togetherness as members of the team decide to handle things their own way. King Ezekiel is still on down and out after witnessing his men getting slaughtered and his pet tiger getting ripped to shreds by walkers. Photo: Gene Page/AMC Carol does her best to get the king’s mojo back but it’s not working, Carol is a woman of few words and about action and leaves the king to sulk. Continued On The Next Page

‘The Walking Dead’ Recap: Lets Not Follow The Plan