Tag Archives: lift-the-ban

Boy Scouts Propose Lifting Ban of Gay Members

The Boy Scouts of America are one of the most famous groups for banning homosexual members, and it has seemed for the last few months that their views may finally change. Now, the BSA is proposing a partial lift of the exclusion, allowing homosexuals to join as youth members, but not as adult leaders. The proposed resolution comes after weeks of deliberation on the issue. The next step is to take it to a vote amongst the 1,400 members of the National Council. The proposal is already getting flack from both sides of the argument. Gay-rights organizations such as GLAAD are calling the bill timid and inadequate, while Conservative groups criticize it for declaring that homosexuality is acceptable for children. Ultimately, the BSA will likely have to take a clear stance on the issue. As a result, many project that membership will decrease over time and that hostility toward the organization will grow until they lift the ban entirely. Do you think homosexuals should be allowed in the Boy S couts?   Sure, why not?!? No way! View Poll »

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Boy Scouts Propose Lifting Ban of Gay Members