Tag Archives: like-it-brings

Some Angie Harmon Armpit Hair of the Day

This picture of Angie Harmon’s tit from the side is pretty awesome, until you look a little closer, and see that she’s missed a spot shaving, but not just a little stubble, we’re talking serious armpit hair the kind that takes months to grow, leading me to assume that Angie Harmon is the kind of girl who locks herself up for months at a time, never leaving the house, or playing mom, in her athletic sweatshirts, because I know I haven’t heard about her in a long time, so she’s sure as hell not going out and raging…but when she does, she has to get all dolled up, and groom…which I guess is a little too much work of her, even though I’m sure she could afford a little VIET girl to do it for her, like every other white person.. I am not disgusted by this at all, but probably should be, I guess I just don’t care and continue to have no standards, especially when 41 year old tits, even they are fake, are a nice distraction. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Some Angie Harmon Armpit Hair of the Day

Anmari Botha is Showing Nipple for Numero of the Day

Anmari Botha is some New Zealand model and like all models…and strippers…and really girls in general who crave male attention or getting ahead in any aspect of life…even just building her self esteem…she’s showing some nipple..a nipple that you probably couldn’t masturbate to because we are all desensitized freaks who need to delve into weirdness..unless we’ve come full circle and jerking off to nipple is that weirdness..which wouldn’t be so bad…considering the other weirdnesses available to us… I’m just happy to say, I’ve seen her tits. I feel like it brings us closer together…and paves a foundation for love…even though these pics are boring!

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Anmari Botha is Showing Nipple for Numero of the Day