Last week, Ariana Grande released the video for “Love Me Harder,” and the Internet responded with a collective “ick.” Sure, Ariana looks good, and at 21, she’s free to express herself however she sees fit. But the fact remains that between her high-pitched voice, her fondness for furry cat ears, and the fact that she looks like the digits in her age should be reversed, there’s something uncomfortable about the sight of Ari getting intimate with various pieces of furniture. Fortunately, Bette Midler never shies away from speaking truth to divas. “It’s terrible!” Midler said when asked about the video in a recent interview. “It’s always surprising to see someone like Ariana Grande with that silly high voice, slithering around on a couch, looking so ridiculous.” “Sex sells. Sex has always sold, [but] you don’t have to make a whore of yourself to get ahead…I don’t know where you’re gonna go from all that sex in your twenties. I don’t know how you sustain it.” This isn’t the first time that Ariana’s overt sexuality has drawn criticism from other celebs. Back in September, Mayim Bialik complained about Grande’s skimpy attire in a lengthy blog post. Of course, it’s also not the first time that Ms. Midler has offered up some harsh harsh words for a new generation of starlets. Bette called Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan “sluts” way back in 2006 and she’s been tossing in her two cents ever since. Does she sometimes go too far? Sure, but considering most of the women she’s talking about spend their days being told how great they are, a little bit of overstatement might be necessary when expressing an opposing view. 29 Hottest Ariana Grande Photos 1. Hot Ariana Grande Ariana Grande is such a young hottie. Just don’t believe those nude pics floating around. Not really her.
Excerpt from:
Bette Midler to Ariana Grande: Stop Being a Whore!