Tag Archives: like-the-floors

Nude Star Amanda Seyfried Now in Talks for Lovelace Role

We can’t imagine why so many actresses have been attached to the role of Linda Lovelace in the upcoming biopic Lovelace – after all, it’s not every day you get offered the role of (literally) the biggest cocksucker in history. Nevertheless, it’s been a regular revolving door over at the offices of Lovelace, LLC. First Kate Hudson dropped out to have a baby, and then Olivia Wilde dropped out, apparently for no particular reason, after it was widely reported she would be playing the role. (Meanwhile, Swedish star Malin Akerman remains attached to a rival project, Inferno: The Linda Lovelace Story ). Now Olivia’s nude Alpha Dog (2006) co-star Amanda Seyfried has begun negotiations to play the skinfamous porn star, which is slappy news for skin fans. Amanda may be young, but she’s already proven herself more than willing to strip down on screen, even winning an Anatomy Award for Best Lesbian Scene for her cougar/kitten encounter with Julianne Moore in Chloe (2009). Let’s just hope that, like the floors of a porno theater, this one sticks. Bone up on your skinema history with Linda Lovelace and Deep Throat (1972) right here at MrSkin.com!

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Nude Star Amanda Seyfried Now in Talks for Lovelace Role