Tag Archives: like-the-hard

Tara Reid to Clean Up This Place of the Day

Every once in a while I feeel dirty….you know too dirty to go on…maybe it has to do with my lack of a shower in a few days…or really a lack of any personal hygiene….or maybe it has to do with the fact that I can smell my own asshole while sitting because I don’t change pants or underwear pretty much ever….or maybe it’s all the unprotected sex I have…cuz condoms are for pussies…or maybe it is more poor diet, no exercise, hard drinking and occassional chain smoking…..but I know whenever I’m feeling my worst in terms of health…all it takes is a glance at perpetual chronic party girl Tara Reid and realize I’m not that bad…cuz I have a few more college spring breaks in me…while Tara Reid and her non-existent career is gonna’ Britney Murphy…just wait and see…. Now that I feel better about me….even though my life isn’t as luxurious as hers…..we can focus on what is important…like the hard truth that she’s not showing off her fucking implants like she’s supposed to…it’s the whole point of getting implants you bikini rockin’ keg standing trash. Get it together woman.

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Tara Reid to Clean Up This Place of the Day