Tag Archives: like-the-low

Joanna Krupa Dog Shit Erotica of the Day

As much as I think picking up dog shit is the responsible thing to do in a city as a dog owner – I always find it amazing or funny or pointing and laughing worthy when I see hot diva looking girls do it…..you know I pick up my dog shit like the low level Mexican that I am…and as an obese men with no flexibility it’s pretty comedic…but when a vapid polish girl who could have been a housekeeper but instead because a sugar baby prostitute to a rich man – who wears designer clothes – the trashiest designer clothes but still designer clothes – and has a staff of Mexicans because that’s what these girls do – but I guess all that changes when your shitty show you were on for free because you positioned your prostituting “model” into relevant person…you’re forced to pick up your dog shit yourself. Tough times, nice enough fake tits…they have done her well….but not that well because after all the glory we are both the same- shit picker uppers and late night downers to help us sleep with all this pain…. To see the rest of the pics click here The post Joanna Krupa Dog Shit Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Joanna Krupa Dog Shit Erotica of the Day

Kim Kardashian in a Shitty See Through of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Kim Kardashian, she’s fat, sloppy and looks a lot like a dude, but luckily she has a fat ass that people go nuts over, even if the shit is strapped up to look the way it does, as I know many fat assed women and without the Spanx, shit looks like a horror movie, but whatever I’ll let you like the low grade pussy you like because really it makes no difference in my life whether you are a closet case or not….I just know that I definitely don’t give a fuck about Kim Kardashian in a see thru shirt, because thanks to the internet, I can see her getting fucked by a negro who pissed on her , not that I am really into that kind of thing, in fact I hate it cuz it is the reason she is famous now…but it’s better than her in a shitty see through shirt… To See More Pictures – Follow This Link GO

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Kim Kardashian in a Shitty See Through of the Day