Tag Archives: like-the-y2k

Sarah Palin Responds To The Boob Job Rumors

Thanks to some very bored “reporters”, there have been a lot of rumors milling about how Sarah Palin had a boob job. Well, she did not. http://backseatcuddler.com/2010/06/12/sarah-palin-responds-to-the-boob-job-rumor… added by: MacKenzieFox

Nibiru pictures aka Planet X

So is Nibiru real? Do you guys agree or disagree on the notion of the world ending in 2012, or is this just some big hype like the y2k? And let's say there really was a Planet X (NIBIRU) coming in the next four years? What's on it and what's gonna become of the human race? Are we gonna survive and get on with our day to day lives or is this society gonna crumble and fall like the towers of Babylon? Hmmmm? I guess we won't know until we start seeing the first real stages of this notion and internet hype? Until then we just go on with our lives in this society which we call normal? But what can we really call normal? No one knows. Just be happy, live free and fight for love, peace, happiness, and no globalization – everyone is their own person. And everyone has their own thoughts and dreams and wants, needs, brain, skills, form of style, feelings and maybe, just maybe one day everyone can live in harmony. I pray for it to happens. Well let me know what you think. I'm new to this site and wanna make a difference and wanna hear what people think. Thank you, I'm just me, Day2Day1nSociety-Christopher Cluney again thank you. –I am even wrote the original one that is presented on Skip-Can'tdo Profile he stole the story from me & put it on his profile that's why I stop being his friend & that's why he hasn't wrote anything else because he's a thief & liar…Plus I wrote the other story on his profile as well…Thank you.. added by: Day2Day1nSociety