Apparently this is Rihanna promoting perfume in lingerie….despite the fact that this version of Rihanna has pretty big tits…when real life version of Rihanna doesn’t…but I guess topless girls with shitty tits don’t sell perfume as topless girls in push up bras do…I mean I am not a girl…but I know if I was…seeing a topless chick in a push up bra would make me want to buy a scent that I doubt smells like child prostitute turned pop star….or even like unshowered, battered wife, but of something a lab came up with and Rihanna signed off on for Royalties…cuz it’s all about making motherfucking money with little to no work….it’s way better than being a chamber maid at a luxury resort in her home town.
Go here to see the original:
Rihanna in a Bra to Promote Perfume of the Day