Tag Archives: likely-thought

Halle Berry – Still a Fame Whore of the Day

Halle Berry got excited that she hit 2,000,000 followers on social media, despite being Halle Berry and that alone means she should have 10 million followers, but I guess she’s old, and thus shouldn’t even have social media…she’s got all this money, why bother posting to this nonsense like a peasant trying to be Halle Berry…makes no fucking sense… So Halle Berry, the leverage that your dad is black even though you never met him, because Hollywood like black face and can only black face with someone who has a black dad otherwise it’s racist, put together what she likely thought was clever content – her taking a shit…a dirty shit…while drinking wine…because when you’re in Hollywood letting some creepy dude watch you take a shit is how you get the big payouts…so why not be a peasant and share that with the world….. I guess, she’s out there knowing black lives matter, and that it’s a good time for a black girl, even when in blackface to cash in….so she’s doing it…on the toilet and at premieres…one last hurrah or something…because black don’t crazy… She was also at a premiere for a new movie she likely got paid too much to be in…showing some booty..after years of being a method actor who studies her roles…she knows black women are supposed to show booty…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Halle Berry – Still a Fame Whore of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Halle Berry – Still a Fame Whore of the Day