Tag Archives: lili reinhart

Lili Reinhart Cum Shot of the Day

Lili Reinhart has broadened her scope from being the big girl on Riverdale, a hit show that shouldn’t be a hit show, but that represents what this era of people are looking for….as they passively watch while looking at their phone….and that is shitty writing, acting, storylines….seriously Riverdale is fucking dumb and it is trash but people watch it and not for any specific reason since the story and character is zero compelling…and I have tried to look at it from all angles to figure out what people like about it…and I come up empty and realize maybe I am wrong. Maybe no one watches the show. I don’t fucking track TV stats or even research that shit. I just assume it’s popular. THAT SAID…she met her boyfriend on the show, some child star Disney Kid who is gown and plays Jughead… Together they shoot slutty artistic nudes of her and her big girls tits, only to have her legal team email me to remove them from the internet…because her actual slut goes against the slut she’s portraying in Hollywood having “made it”….by all standards of “making it”…. She’s booked a movie starring some stripper named Cardi B….where she gets herself at last one CHAMPAGNE FACIAL…like some kind of trashy club girl putting on a show for some instagram photographer….in what I’ve seen go down and really question where we are at as a people…because I know they same girl sucking off Champagne with her ass hanging out of a skirt at a club she’s trying to fuck the DJ at….is posting about being an empowered woman who shouldn’t be sexualized…. It’s a shut the fuck up slut situation….but in this case it’s just a movie about that….. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lili Reinhart Cum Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lili Reinhart Cum Shot of the Day

Lili Reinhart Nipples of the Day

In big news…or maybe it is big people news Lili Reinhart ….is busting out the tits in some “artistic” nudes, that her boyfriend, JUGHEAD from Riverdale, who you probably remember as one of the twins in Suite Life of Zach and Cody, you fucking CLINTON LEVEL pervert…and we can all see her big tits, which is the only thing she has that redeems her as the main starlet of the show, because the rest of her is pretty trash, sloppy fat trash… Now, I am a fan of young girls, famous or not, doing this whole “everyone on the internet puts their tits on the internet, let me join in”…because I like tits of all sizes, walks of life, etc…. I am all for this kind of “empowerment” that isn’t empowerement, even if the pic itself is cheesy as fuck…. Clearly, she thinks she’s hot, she wants peeople to see her tits, she’s current and relevant on that hit show, which for the record I stopped watching Season Two because it got so fucking dumb, and because this one right here is one of the hotter Characters, which if you look past the tits you’ll realize isn’t that hot, they should have hotter cast members but they are too busy killing Luke Perry. POINT beeing….Lili Reinhart tits…out there in wet fabric being high concept that is barely a concept but still tits… Here is Lili and Cami Mendes in some snuff film outtake.. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lili Reinhart Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lili Reinhart Nipples of the Day

Lili Reinhart Nipples of the Day

In big news…or maybe it is big people news Lili Reinhart ….is busting out the tits in some “artistic” nudes, that her boyfriend, JUGHEAD from Riverdale, who you probably remember as one of the twins in Suite Life of Zach and Cody, you fucking CLINTON LEVEL pervert…and we can all see her big tits, which is the only thing she has that redeems her as the main starlet of the show, because the rest of her is pretty trash, sloppy fat trash… Now, I am a fan of young girls, famous or not, doing this whole “everyone on the internet puts their tits on the internet, let me join in”…because I like tits of all sizes, walks of life, etc…. I am all for this kind of “empowerment” that isn’t empowerement, even if the pic itself is cheesy as fuck…. Clearly, she thinks she’s hot, she wants peeople to see her tits, she’s current and relevant on that hit show, which for the record I stopped watching Season Two because it got so fucking dumb, and because this one right here is one of the hotter Characters, which if you look past the tits you’ll realize isn’t that hot, they should have hotter cast members but they are too busy killing Luke Perry. POINT beeing….Lili Reinhart tits…out there in wet fabric being high concept that is barely a concept but still tits… Here is Lili and Cami Mendes in some snuff film outtake.. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lili Reinhart Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lili Reinhart Nipples of the Day

Lili Reinhart Pole Dancing for Jughead of the Day

Lili Reinhart, who you may not know of, but who you probably have seen around, thanks to her being on one of the most over hyped garbage shows, that have probably some the worst writers on TV…so bad that Luke Perry had to kill himself to escape it… I have a theory that Riverdale is such a hot item with the young people…accidentally and that after their first season, they had no plan to continue and here they are in season 3 or 4….struggling…but not as hard as big girl, strong girl, Lili, who is taking pole dance class, as a back-up plan if all goes wrong or maybe cuz all girls are sluts who envy strippers despite judging strippers and looking down on strippers… She’s dating JUGHEAD, who is one of those Disney Kid child star Sprouse brothers, and maybe he put her up to this, those Disney Kids and their weird fetishes thanks to execs at Disney diddling them like the Priests at the Notre Dame Basilica before they burnt the evidence… She’s big, thick, busty, terrifying even, but I guess this is what girls look like now, it is the new normal…upside down on a pole… The post Lili Reinhart Pole Dancing for Jughead of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lili Reinhart Pole Dancing for Jughead of the Day

Tits Out for Luke Perry of the Day

Lili Reinhart got her tits out for Luke Perry… Nothing like a modern version of spilling out a drink as a tribute to your boyfriend’s TV Dad in the form of busting your tits out… Not that any of these people actually care about the death of anyone for any reason other than to attach themselves to a news story to get some attention and hype. Not that Riverdale needs more hype, they are all hype, if you’ve ever seen the show..it’s so fucking weak, terribly written, nonsense and proof that when kids watch TV, they also sext, scroll instagram, Attention Deficit Disorder man….gets garbage made and celebrated….. RIP Luke Perry, but Lili Reinhart’s tits got more life in them. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Tits Out for Luke Perry of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Tits Out for Luke Perry of the Day

Lili Reinhart Probably Pregnant Tits of the Day

Lili Reinhart fucks the dude who plays Jughead on the show Riverdale, which is why you know who Lili Reinhart is….because you are like me, and don’t watch outdated Hollywood shit like the Golden Globes, because we are capable of deciphering our own decision as to whether something is good or bad and we don’t need some Gala event to give these idiots trophies to feed their egos….we spend our time on social media looking at tits, dating apps looking for sex…and in order to relate to the half retards that are too blinded by their selfies to realize what the hell is going on, you have to watch the real low quality TV they watch to better understand them, in order to manipulate them into sucking your dick…..so shows like Riverdale appeal to idiots, but people like me watch them to appeal to idiots, even though every second of the show is the fucking worst, like it doesn’t even know it’s a TV show, or how it became a TV show…they had one Season…that’s all they were prepared for and the rest has been a scramble that doesn’t make sense…. That said Lili Reinhart is the fat Betty, not the Betty I used to jerk off to when she was a comic, it was the 70s…we were easier to please….but the new generation Body Positive Plus Sized Betty….looks knocked up…all the youngs are doing it thanks to no AIDS crisis to scare them into condoms…and in this stage of her possible pregnancy….she’s got big swollen fat girl tits in a push up bra…which should fulfill your needs and wants… Here she is flashing her panties at the Golden Globes JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lili Reinhart Probably Pregnant Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lili Reinhart Probably Pregnant Tits of the Day

Lili Reinhart Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

I already did a post on THE NECK from Riverdale….so I figure why not post the other one….Lili Reinhart…who plays Betty the split personality witch who likes S&M, fucking and showing off her tits… The people at Riverdale have their surprise hit and thy are doing whatever they can to keep up the momentum by putting their shitty stars out there in the media…and it was only a matter of time, based on the current condition of the world, before these girls would fall into the celebrity, the fame…and start putting slutty content out there…you know be edgy, be interesting….because nothing in Hollywood is wholesome or classy…it’s all this trash scrambling to be trashy while cashing the fuck in… I mean I didn’t really need to see a pantsless Betty in a “Taking a Morning Shit Pose”…but now that I have seen it…I don’t feel better about myself, or the state of the world…but I do think that things are unfurling just the way the internet intended for it… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lili Reinhart Slutty Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lili Reinhart Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

Betty and Veronica being Slutty of the Day

Their names are Betty and Veronica and they are on Riverdale, the worst show on TV, brought to you by the geniuses at CW Network, who are smart enough to post it the next day on NETFLIX….so that everyone in the world can get sucked into this garbage, over dramatic, over written, stupidity.. I guess they are in their second or third season by now, and up until recently, they didn’t sexualize the main girls at all, there was no marketing around them, there was no turning them into sex symbols you want to fuck, despite Veronica having no neck and looking like a troll….but they’ve figured they best go back to the basics, what people, not just men respond to, and that’s turn these girls into sexual fetishes….for everyone, make us think they are hot by telling us they are hot…and now…the show will do better and better….because the world is bullshit, totally bullshit…what they tell us and what they do…doesn’t change the fact that we are all human and are drawn to things we think are hot. Either way, this Entertainment Weekly shoot, totally empowering. The post Betty and Veronica being Slutty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Betty and Veronica being Slutty of the Day