Tag Archives: looking-at-tits

Lili Reinhart Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

I already did a post on THE NECK from Riverdale….so I figure why not post the other one….Lili Reinhart…who plays Betty the split personality witch who likes S&M, fucking and showing off her tits… The people at Riverdale have their surprise hit and thy are doing whatever they can to keep up the momentum by putting their shitty stars out there in the media…and it was only a matter of time, based on the current condition of the world, before these girls would fall into the celebrity, the fame…and start putting slutty content out there…you know be edgy, be interesting….because nothing in Hollywood is wholesome or classy…it’s all this trash scrambling to be trashy while cashing the fuck in… I mean I didn’t really need to see a pantsless Betty in a “Taking a Morning Shit Pose”…but now that I have seen it…I don’t feel better about myself, or the state of the world…but I do think that things are unfurling just the way the internet intended for it… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lili Reinhart Slutty Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lili Reinhart Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

Bebe Rexha Pussy Print of the Day

I didn’t post these pics of Bebe Rexha, one of the Dua Lipa / Bebe Rexha / Rita Ora – Albanian popstars who get slutty on the internet so people care about them enough to listen to their call to Prayer chants they are genetically programmed to hav based on their Albanian roots…unless Albania is Christian which it could be. I’m not fucking Google or the CIA….I’m not your ask a friend lifeline on Who Wants to be a Millionaire….I’m just a titty blogger looking at tits… But yes…I didn’t post these pics a few days ago, because I don’t like encouraging fat girls trying to be popstars now that they have proved themselves as successful song writers for other talent….because I feel like it is like encouraging a retard to do a dance in high school assembly for the school to point and laugh….even though we live in an era of fat chick lives mattering and perverts being willing to fuck anything with a pussy…so that when a fatty on the rise even if fat girls prefer to sit….puts her pussy on blast in some weird tight outfit….they get excited instead of disgusted by it…while I am old school and still get disgusted by it… I’ll post it anyway….cuz that’s the kind of equal rights motherfucker I am….even if I don’t believe it…I still pretend I do on the internet like everyone else on the internet trying to save face rather than letting their TRUE selves out… Here she is in some tight bodysuit for a music video And her big tits … JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bebe Rexha Pussy Print of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Bebe Rexha Pussy Print of the Day

Kate Hudson In a Bikini on a Boat Showing Fake Tits of the Day

Kate Hudson got some titty going on in this picture that I saw on the internet – that I don’t see on her social media feed – and that may be old – like her – because she’s old – but old doesn’t stop us from looking at tits – it’s just lowers the value of the tits..but they are still tits…. This photo may be recent, it’s so pixelated, or it could be from an era where she banged everyone she could, and made some men so crazy they tried to kill themselves, all while working in Romantic Comedy playing the same person thanks to her mom being to old and the industry needing a stand in…. Good pic though. The post Kate Hudson In a Bikini on a Boat Showing Fake Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kate Hudson In a Bikini on a Boat Showing Fake Tits of the Day

Sienna Miller Not So Racy Toplessness on her Social Media of the Day

Sienna Miller posted a topless picture on her social media….she’s 35 so it shouldn’t really count, because 35 in Hollywood is old as fuck, no matter how many face fillers they have, while 35 in my life is fine, I mean I’ll jerk off to / on / inside girls of all ages…I am a pervert…but Hollywood has different standards to my no standards…that’s why these people get paid so much… I still have a place for her in my heart, because I remember her as the girl in movies who played the hot British chick that was willing to get naked….that was always naked…who you know only got the roles because of her level of “fun” off screen.. So this toplessness that you’d see as fame whoring, attention seeking, is hardly topless, I can’t see her nipples, so I don’t think I can even call it fame whoring or attention seeking, as anyone who knows Sienna Miller or cares to see her topless has seen her topless and can just watch her old movies…or google those screenshots…and topless beach pics… If anything, this is just a tribute of what was, not a tease like “you know what’s behind this quarter turn of my body, just beg me to fully turn to the camera”…and more a “don’t look, you don’t want to see this, it’s an old mangled mom mess, and I can’t put you through the pain and suffering accepting that life is finite and that we are living to die….”…. Because when looking at tits, who needs to really deal with the aging process and death…NOT ME…except when I try jerking off to it and fail…because of the same aging process that is making Sienna Miller shy about her tits. The post Sienna Miller Not So Racy Toplessness on her Social Media of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sienna Miller Not So Racy Toplessness on her Social Media of the Day

Danica Patrick Yoga Pose of the Day

I don’t watch Nascar but I assume all you white trash perverts looking at tits do….so you know who Danica Patrick is… I just know she’s a girl who I guess was a good enough driver to get sponsored in the “man’s sport”…you know some feminist shit that I am assuming was a huge deal but who really cares it’s driving a car…not fucking boxing…or wrestling…some chicks can drive…it’s isn’t really man specific so her competing against men shouldn’t an issue…but it makes for a good personality to “sponsor”…draw attention…throw some pussy into the mix…give guys something to talk about…assuming they aren’t too half retarded to converse…you know being inbred and all.. Well, shes’ doing YOGA in her underwear and it’s hot enough for me to post…keep up the good work cart racer… Here’s some beach life…yacht life….rich girl life… The post Danica Patrick Yoga Pose of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Danica Patrick Yoga Pose of the Day

Rat Cow Tits and Other Tits because Tits for Love Magazine of the Day

Rat Cow has tits. She likes you knowing she has tits. Her tits are the only reason she exists. Yet her media recently has been about how her tits work against her, when really her tits are the only thing that matter when it comes to her, as you cum to her, because as low level gutter as she is…those tits are tits worth looking at…substantial tits, even magical tits, it’s just too bad the host body the tits are attached to, who is pretending the tits don’t run the show…is pretty garbage. I still do posts on her because the Rat Cow Tits she’s alienated for having are still tits I’m willing to look at…because I like tits…I can’t leave the whore house without looking at tits and it is amazing just how much a set of tits can do for a woman…it can re-write their story and make them have millions of followers that they make millions of dollars off now that they are polarizing soft core porn tits to celeb in movies who is into fashion The world..so dumb, so easily impressed….CHECK OUT THESE TITS…and other tits on other people getting in on the titty The post Rat Cow Tits and Other Tits because Tits for Love Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rat Cow Tits and Other Tits because Tits for Love Magazine of the Day

Michelle Vawer Naked for the Internet of the Day

Her name is Michelle Vawer and she’s naked in a photoshoot. I checked out her instagram INSTAGRAM to see what I already knew…and that is that she’s got 12,000 followers…so why not get naked in a shoot to help grow that…but in her defence, in this superficial, shallow, image focused, everyone is a hot chick willing to get naked on instagram, attempting to get a head in life, based on zero talent, skill, expertise…or substance…she could have very likely had 1 million followers…it’s just hard to keep up when all they do is instagram… That’s not to say I hate everyone being a glamour model…who gets naked…in the world..but I do hate social media, what it represents, and what it accomplishes…except when I’m into looking at tits, which I guess is luckily always…and there’s never enough hot chicks getting naked…no matter how low level, desperate, and boring they are… I watched one of these girls have a live instagram feed the other day, it’s like cam girls who can’t cam…sitting there talking about cooking…and 400 dudes were watching thinking…”Ok so when’s the tit come out”…well the tits comes out when photographers trick them into making art…like this…art…right… The post Michelle Vawer Naked for the Internet of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Michelle Vawer Naked for the Internet of the Day

Fat Bikini a Day Girl’s Side Pussy of the Day

It is amazing that a pig like this – who can start an instagram scam called Bikini a Day – thanks to photoshop – has been able to make a million dollars a year or more – all because people are retards and think “TITS”…. Their timing was on point, when instagram was easy to get popular on, the idea so basic – any pervert not wasting away from chronic jerking off could have pulled it off….girls in a bikini everyday of the week…one photo…365 bikinis a year…a lot of bikinis..but eventually people will follow because they like bikinis and bikini companies will pay because they will assume the follows are more than just dudes looking at tits…almost brilliant…but so stupid… The real troll is that they did it when one of the girls doing it – the one with the tits – has a body that matches those tits…and she photoshops herself into another fucking person – even in this era of body shaming…she knows how to pose for the instagram filters to make her look like you want to fuck her…and I guess why wouldn’t you want to fuck her – you’ve seen her half naked and she’s got massive tits…something proven to make dudes ignore the fact that she’s got huge everything else.. You’d think she’d spend the day in the gym based on her profile concept – but she doesn’t have to…and still gets to spend her days counting her money…brilliant….so stupid…but brilliant… The post Fat Bikini a Day Girl’s Side Pussy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Fat Bikini a Day Girl’s Side Pussy of the Day

Josie Canseco’s Topless on Snapchat of the Day

Daughters named after their fathers is always funny to me. I don’t know why, but it seems so fucking trashy….Josie Canseco…the amazingly hot daughter of Jose Canseco…who I guess was the patriarch of the house…because his wife, her mother was a cocktail waitress, low level model, stripper…or just a hot groupie into that Athlete money..who raised her baby to have similar morals and values, when she wasn’t pawned off on the nanny, because her key workload…her life work…her retirement package relied on this creature…a creature who has gone on to be a nude model…representative of the times we live in… It’s like be rich, have a trust fund, be hot, have access…yet choose nude… It’s on some troubled girl with daddy issues cliche that Donald Trump would say leads to great sex…and for any dude who has had sex with a crazy girl knows is true…and when it looks like this, is spoiled like this, has money like this…it becomes so much more fun… So her getting naked or topless on snapchat while eating is a sign trouble…the good kind of trouble that I think it’s anything but trouble…instead everything great…but I am also a pervert who sexualizes tits…in a world where you’re not allowed to sexualize tits…because girls are women and some women are genderless and everything is one big confusing mess…of non-sexualized tits…a political theory I can’t support while looking at tits. The post Josie Canseco’s Topless on Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Josie Canseco’s Topless on Snapchat of the Day

Anne Hathaway Tits in a White Shirt of the Day

Anne Hathaway is a talent, if you consider making a decent set of tits as boring as humanly possible….unfortunately, that’s something I don’t consider a talent at all, but instead find disgraceful and disrespectful to her bra size….I figure we need rules in place that if anyone 34C and over buys a bra, they sign a contract that at least 50 percent of the time they leave their house, they show some fucking cleavage…not because I’m a frat jock typical “Bro” alpha make kind of guy…you know with my keg in the corner and my poster of tits on the wall like a fucking dufus retard who can’t get pussy but has his buddies to talk tit with, but because I’m a perver and like any dude, I like looking at tits, it gets me through life and makes me hate my wife less cuz it gives me that little taste I need, like a fix, so that I don’t fully hate her cuz I’m reminded there’s good in the world, even though I’m stuck with such shit….like my wife and Anne Hathaway hiding her tits…. Pics via Fame

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Anne Hathaway Tits in a White Shirt of the Day