Tag Archives: some-feminist

Mimi Elashiry Lame Nude Shoot of the Day

Here’s some girl trying to be a model named Mimi Elashiry getting naked…. I hate how obnoxious and pretentious these millennials are with their “Art” that they truly think is art, innovating, thought provoking, intellectual maybe, spun as some feminist down with the Patriarchy riduculousness… But I love that any excuse to get naked is a good one…lame art, body painting, whatever it may be….bring the young hip tits. I know nothing about Mimi Elashiry but I have stared at her tits a long time, which is as intimate as we really need to get on this one… Too many girls out there, the internet is an endless titty pit, the constant titty feed, always new tits, we can’t keep up…years and years of titty to go through…not time to get intimate and into personal details about said tits..if we do that we’ll miss out on all the other fresh tits being posted today. The post Mimi Elashiry Lame Nude Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Mimi Elashiry Lame Nude Shoot of the Day

Rita Ora Bra Flash of the Day

Do you remember high school? I barely do. Blocked that shit out years ago. Or maybe I just have a terrible memory…but I do remember a constant thread that started in high school…getting girls to flash me was always a challenge…I would ask countless girls countless times to show me their bra…at dances, on lunch break, all the time…because a bra was considered underwear and seeing a girl in a bra was hot, porno even, it was a simpler time…and these women, even when you’d pull out the “it’s like a bikini top”…just wouldn’t do it…I mean obviously some would sometimes…but as a general rule…it took real work, manipulation and effort… Now…every bitch is posting their underwear in a “look at me I’m in my underwear” hustle…sure Rita Ora is a shameless fame whore paid by the underwear brand….but…she’s also like so many other girls just showing their bras becuase it’s just like a bikini top…what’s the big deal…. Well the big deal is that it takes the challenge out of it, the fun out of it, and makes the whole experience boring…kids these days so spoiled, everything just handed to them like the tits…the porn…the sex…no work ethic. The post Rita Ora Bra Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rita Ora Bra Flash of the Day

Danica Patrick Yoga Pose of the Day

I don’t watch Nascar but I assume all you white trash perverts looking at tits do….so you know who Danica Patrick is… I just know she’s a girl who I guess was a good enough driver to get sponsored in the “man’s sport”…you know some feminist shit that I am assuming was a huge deal but who really cares it’s driving a car…not fucking boxing…or wrestling…some chicks can drive…it’s isn’t really man specific so her competing against men shouldn’t an issue…but it makes for a good personality to “sponsor”…draw attention…throw some pussy into the mix…give guys something to talk about…assuming they aren’t too half retarded to converse…you know being inbred and all.. Well, shes’ doing YOGA in her underwear and it’s hot enough for me to post…keep up the good work cart racer… Here’s some beach life…yacht life….rich girl life… The post Danica Patrick Yoga Pose of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Danica Patrick Yoga Pose of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence Gets Paid by Dior of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is a bullshit celebrity – who is on the highest paid celebrity list – even though I find her dull – uneventful – barely hot – despite her great tits that were stolen and posted everywhere that finally gave her a little edge in her otherwise vapid, useless, used as a tool to get bigger budget life….you know a sell out before she was even 18…cashing in hard…winning all the awards…designed to bring in attention, talent, fill seats…because HOLLYWOOD knows how dumb people are…and they’ll buy into anything.. Well the Fashion industry follows their lead – and probably paid her 10 million dollars for these garbage pics… We allow this world to fucking happen – we are all a bunch of idiots…some of us, like Jennifer Lawrence just happen to win at it…I think it’s cuz of her tits…it’s always the tits. The post Jennifer Lawrence Gets Paid by Dior of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lawrence Gets Paid by Dior of the Day

Cara Delevingne without panties of the Day

Cara Delevingne is part of some feminist amazing project where they put flowers between their legs – to celebrate having vaginas – or a GARDEN in her pants – that Cara Delevingne’s may be more than just floral, but also filled of bacteria…maybe some aquatic animals..a little yeast and herpes and disgustingness…you know the kind of garden you find growing behind some septic run off…with the lone flower blowing in the wind…or maybe the kind of garden made in a lab – on petri dish working on finding the cure to AIDs or some shit…because despite her scam that got her in movies, and despite her being fun and lively to the rich people she hangs with because she too is rich…there’s something vile about her..and as a dude who likes street hookers…that’s erotic as fuck to me… We just need more labia! If you’re gonna show your pussy as a flower- show your fucking pussy bro. The post Cara Delevingne without panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cara Delevingne without panties of the Day