Newark Woman Arrested For Trying To Eat Her Friend’s Face And Biting A Cop Normally when we hear about women trying to eat their friends , there’s more pleasure than pain. Not in this case… Via DailyMail A woman has been arrested after allegedly trying to eat her friend’s face before biting her boyfriend and a police officer during a drug-fueled rampage. Mother Lindie Stewart, 37, was arrested in Newark, New York, on Sunday after police found her being held down in a driveway by her friend, Michael Maricle. When cops arrived, Maricle’s face was bleeding and he told them he was trying to stop her from attacking him again. Haven’t heard many of these stories since people stopped doing bath salts… ‘Michael was holding Lindie down on the driveway and was bleeding from his face. I went to grab Lindie to restrain her,’ Rouse told police. ‘I asked Michael what was happening and he said Lindie began biting his neck and was trying to eat his face and chin. ‘I then watched the policeman place Michael in handcuffs and then he quickly came over to help me. ‘While I was holding Lindie, she began biting me in the center of my chest and my armpit which caused me to experience pain and discomfort.’ Oh yeah, she also said: ‘She also said she is taking Alice to the Moon and that she would kill. She also kept saying “lol lol lol”.’ Cocaine might be one helluva drug, but, uh, naw. HELL naw. Image via Facebook/Newark PD
The Walking Dead: Newark Woman Popped For Trying To Eat Her Friend’s Face, Biting Boyfriend And Cop