Lindsay Lohan’s highly touted appearance on Saturday Night Live was met with mixed reviews, at best. But that didn’t stop her from earning big ratings for NBC. The 25-year-old actress, who has hosted the late night show four times, brought the program to #1 in it time slot, beating out all other shows on major networks. Additionally, Lindsay‘s episode is now counted as the second-most watched SNL of the season, with NBA legend Charles Barkley taking the top spot in 2011-12. A platinum blonde Lohan blew off the initial negative reviews and celebrated her heavily panned hosting gig at an after-party with the rest of the SNL cast. The star whose acting ability was called into question last night, stepped out in a trendy black and white ensemble and appeared oblivious to the criticism. In an effort to show support, Lindsay’s mother Dina Lohan joined in, as did SNL regular Kristen Wiig, producer Lorne Michaels and musical guest Jack White. While Lindsay hosting SNL was supposed to help her comeback, it was met with scathing press instead. She appeared nervous, stiff and reliant on cue cards. Many Twitter users were even more critical than the media. Wrote one: “This may be the first time Lindsay Lohan had trouble doing lines.” Ba-dum-ching. Lindsay on SNL: funny or fail?
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Lindsay Lohan SNL Ratings: An Epic WIN!