Tag Archives: lines-or-more

Ashley Smith Topless Shoot of the Day

Ashley Smith is a hot fucking model with big old titties that she always shows off…and that I like to look at…but not necessarily cuz I like busty models willing to show off her tits…even though I really like busty models willing to show off their tits…but because I like girls with fucked up teeth…and this girl has a gap for fucking days….a gap that is erotic to me for some fucking reason…and maybe it is cuz it is symbolic of the gap between her legs…or maybe cuz a bitch with fucked up teeth… I’ve POSTED ON HER BEFORE CUZ I POST ON EVERYONE I AM JUST THAT GOOD AT BLOGGING Here she is in this unknown shoot….

Ashley Smith Topless Shoot of the Day

Kate Upton’s Vogue Italia Fat Chick Video of the Day

In amazing feats….Kate Upton has gone from busty Glamour model…all big titty and in sleazy men’s magazines….to high fashion….despite being plus sized….because I guess the Fashion industry doesn’t care if a bitch is fat…they just care if she sells magazines to anyone..even men for masturbation purposes…cuz fashion is just one small step away from being pornographic….and Kate Upton….would have been more fun if she was one step closer to being pornographic… before she turns irrelevant and people get bored of her…leading to her emotionally eating and drug using….cuz you know this will eventually come crashing fucking down…and until it does….I’ll just stare at her tits. Pretty sure I’ve already posted these…but you can never really be so sure…

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Kate Upton’s Vogue Italia Fat Chick Video of the Day

Rihanna’s Bikini Pics for Instagram of the Day

I posted one of these pics of weed-head Rihanna already…but in keeping true to that all these fucking posts…regardless of who is in them…are all the fucking same…bikini, photoshoot, nipple, upskirt…I figure let’s keep it up…because I have nothing better to do…but discuss how she’s done pretty good for herself…from poor garbage truck driver’s daughter on a small Caribbean island…to superstar sensation with limited talent….which makes absolutely no fucking sense…and there must be more to the story….you know why her? Why did this work? What the fuck happened? She’s not all that good at singing…I don’t fucking get it…I know she didn’t grind out or knock on doors for this….I need to know the missing link….but instead of further investigation…I’ll just stare at her body being slutty in a bikini…cuz it’s more interesting than figuring out how someone who isn’t even a youtube sensation like Beiber was…got to this…but I’ll tell you something…I know some underbelly shit went down…

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Rihanna’s Bikini Pics for Instagram of the Day

Lady Gaga’s Strategic Toplessness of the Day

The highlight of my relationship with Lady Gaga happened a minute or two before she became famous…when I grabbed her ass an event…and she was pantsless in fishnets….because it wasn’t as bad as you’d think…if anything she was round, fit and at least not Katy Perry…. But even with not minding that romantic encounter….I still don’t understand why guys I know think she’s hot…cuz she’s definitely not…and the only thing redeeming about her…is that in her quest to pretend to be an artist….and compared to Katy Perry…she is one….she’s shown her nipple a lot…but not today….today she’s tanning topless…hiding behind coconuts…strategic…if her goal is to not have tan lines or more importantly…people jerking off to her tits…cuz personally….I like my toplessness with nipples. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lady Gaga’s Strategic Toplessness of the Day