Tag Archives: people-jerking

Kim Kardashian New Sex Tape of the Day

It’s so hard to confirm or deny the rumors that Kim Kardashian has a sex tape that was filmed with or during her first marriage, that I think was to a white dude, before the show ever happened….but I don’t really see why anyone would care about Kim Kardashian getting fucked a decade ago a second time…It’s like we’ve seen this one trick wonder and what fucking on camera has done for her…and we have seen that she has no fucking soul and would release something like this, because why not, she likes people jerking off to her fuck, it feels good now that she has everything else in the world… She’s a pile of shit of a person, and even if the above screenshot is her, and it could be…but it could also be 90 percent of girls on Instagram with their face injections who look like Kim Kardashian…when all the world needs to see is her sex tape to be more of a murder suicide tape…get rid of her.. Here are the rest of her pics for “System Magazine”…with nipples…because anything for attention. The post Kim Kardashian New Sex Tape of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kim Kardashian New Sex Tape of the Day

Lady Gaga’s Strategic Toplessness of the Day

The highlight of my relationship with Lady Gaga happened a minute or two before she became famous…when I grabbed her ass an event…and she was pantsless in fishnets….because it wasn’t as bad as you’d think…if anything she was round, fit and at least not Katy Perry…. But even with not minding that romantic encounter….I still don’t understand why guys I know think she’s hot…cuz she’s definitely not…and the only thing redeeming about her…is that in her quest to pretend to be an artist….and compared to Katy Perry…she is one….she’s shown her nipple a lot…but not today….today she’s tanning topless…hiding behind coconuts…strategic…if her goal is to not have tan lines or more importantly…people jerking off to her tits…cuz personally….I like my toplessness with nipples. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lady Gaga’s Strategic Toplessness of the Day