Tag Archives: little-hokey

Matt Damon Blasts Tony Gilroy’s Bourne Ultimatum Script: ‘It Was Unreadable’

“I don’t blame Tony for taking a boatload of money and handing in what he handed in,” Matt Damon told GQ recently about Gilroy’s script for the third Jason Bourne film, The Bourne Ultimatum — a script Gilroy agreed to write for “an exorbitant amount of money” as long as he only had to provide one draft and pay no regard to studio notes. “It’s just that it was unreadable. This is a career-ender. I mean, I could put this thing up on eBay and it would be game over for that dude. It’s terrible. It’s really embarrassing. He was having a go, basically, and he took his money and left.” Gilroy wrote and directed the latest Bourne film The Bourne Legacy , due in theaters this August with Jeremy Renner starring. [ GQ via indieWire ]

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Matt Damon Blasts Tony Gilroy’s Bourne Ultimatum Script: ‘It Was Unreadable’

New Perfect Sense Trailer: I Can’t See Clearly Now!

Don’t let singer-songwriter Johnny Nash anywhere near the new trailer for the Ewan McGregor movie The Perfect Sense , because it’s a Contagion -style disaster film where everyone loses their senses one by one until they can’t see, hear, smell, taste or — I guess — touch anything. It’s a little hokey and a little hilarious, but with Eva Green (the best Bond girl of all time, period) in tow, there may be some genuine hope for this one. If only I could see or hear it!

See more here:
New Perfect Sense Trailer: I Can’t See Clearly Now!