Tag Archives: little-holiday

Amanda Bynes Needs Work

What has happened to the Amanda Bynes I used to know and love? I used to have such a thing for this chick and now I get this. Here she is doing a little holiday shopping, some lucky person is getting a lot of Diet Coke for xmas this year, looking like pretty much everyone else. Not cool. Remember the days when she used to wear skin tight dresses? I thought her hotness was on a comeback. Get back to work.

Lady GaGa Forgets Her Pants

I find it amazing what celebrities can get away with, here’s Lady GaGa doing some shopping the other day without any pants on. I get that she’s trying to be provocative, but give me a break. Someone needs to book her a gig in Singapore and watch the sparks fly. When I tried to do a little holiday shopping last week in an outfit not unlike this one, I received the beating of a lifetime by the security guards. Who knew testicles in a mall were considered so offensive. Double standard.