Tag Archives: little-impotence

Jonas Brothers Want to Work with Mel Gibson, Wary of Human Centipede

Mel Gibson, all is not lost! Though the actor may be persona non grata in Hollywood after a series of damaging, jacuzzi-related voicemails leaked to the press this summer, there still remain three famous names who’d love to work with him: the Jonas Brothers.

See the rest here:
Jonas Brothers Want to Work with Mel Gibson, Wary of Human Centipede

Jersey Shore Fresh-to-Death Report Card: ‘Not So Shore’

‘Not So Shore’ was seriously the name of last night’s Jersey Shore episode. I’m not so shore I can refrain from slapping someone. Nevertheless, the guidos and guidettes offered catchphrases, hookups, tranny-spotting prowess, and even a little impotence (ahem, Situation) last night, and it’s time again to decide who makes the grade.

See the article here:
Jersey Shore Fresh-to-Death Report Card: ‘Not So Shore’