Tag Archives: little-parasite

Amanda Seyfried’s Hard Nipples of the Day

I don’t keep track of Amanda Seyfried, she bores me, so she may have had her baby or not….she was pregnant and doesn’t look pregnant so is probably not pregnant but her great tit nipple is hard…and her tit nipple is what her little parasite latches onto, assuming she’s the down to earth breast feeder you’d assume she is, unless she’s just that soulless cunt who had the kid for some weird tactics….like making her husband leave his family for her….because that’s how brats work…who knows, the kid isn’t with her, so I’ll assume if she did have it it was still birthed or at home with the nannies so she doesn’t have to bother, something she has proven to like as she dresses likes she’s a homeless woman on her period…that’s I’d like to smell Either way, hard nipple party. The post Amanda Seyfried’s Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Amanda Seyfried’s Hard Nipples of the Day