Tag Archives: little-stretch

Farrah Abraham’s Weirdo Music VIdeo of the Day

Farrah Abraham has had two hits already under her belt Backdoor and More and Backdoor Mom This one is a little stretch, maybe even off the mark a little, but I think she’s got talent, at least in the uncensored version of this, wherever it may be, because I’ve seen her fuck in her two prior hits… Backdoor and More and Backdoor Mom and she was a great fucking pornstar…even better than a seasoned veteran…but I guess that’s what happens when you’ve fucked enough by 16 to keep the kid because you’d done it a lll.. Either way, if this amazing shit spewed out of her mouth, through a computer and into your ears isn’t really for you…there’s always Backdoor and More and Backdoor Mom and I thank her for that…it makes everything she does more tolerable…

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Farrah Abraham’s Weirdo Music VIdeo of the Day