Tag Archives: little-upset

Sam Faiers Knows How To Dress

I’ve started to come to terms with the fact that I’ll probably never get invited to any black tie events or charity balls, or pretty much anywhere with an open bar and a no sweatpants policy. It’s just classic blogger discrimination. But I’m still a little upset that a hot nobody like Sam Faiers here threw a party and didn’t tell me. I mean, c’mon, there’s no way a bunch of drunk British reality stars are better-behaved than me. I would’ve even made sure to say “Please” before asking to Sam to go motoroboating. See? The perfect gentleman. » view all 24 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Sam Faiers Knows How To Dress

Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick, and little Mason Kardashian-Disick in Beverly Hills


Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick, and little Mason Kardashian-Disick were spotted in Beverly Hills. Mason seemed a little upset this afternoon while his parents tucked him away in to his car seat.

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Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick, and little Mason Kardashian-Disick in Beverly Hills

Amy Childs Covers Up The Big Tanned Goodies

It looks like my new favorite busty British hottie Amy Childs got all tarted up and hit the town last night. I love it. I’m a little upset that she didn’t invite me along, but there’s still time to make it up to me. I’m a little surprised to see her looking so covered up, she normally likes to let her big tanned talents hang out of an abnormally small dress, but I still like it. Besides, I know what soft, squeezable good things are hidden under there. Hot.

Rep. Alan Grayson eviscerates Sarah Palin.

At first I was a little upset that Grason was playing in my pond, after all smacking Palin down for the stupid things she says is MY job, but I the guy does such a good job that I think I will give him a pass.

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Rep. Alan Grayson eviscerates Sarah Palin.