Tag Archives: faiers-pictures

Sam Faiers’ Awesome Boobage

Here’s Sam Faiers  at the 2015 National Television Awards in London, and I know I tend not to get too upset about not getting invited to any of these award shows, but this is different. Because everyone knows I’m the biggest British reality show fan out there. I mean, granted, I’ve never actually watched a single episode, but so what? I’ve been a major supporter of the industry for years now. And this is all the thanks I get? A red carpet cleavage show from a serious hottie? …Hmm, nevermind, I’ll take it. » view all 30 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Sam Faiers’ Awesome Boobage

Sam Faiers Is Working On Her Fitness

Because I’m always willing to support a new business venture whenever there’s busty British cleavage involved, here’s Sam Faiers at the launch of her new fitness website called “Celebrity Training with Samantha.” Finally, a workout program I can do without leaving my mom’s basement. Sign me up! I’m going to have the most ripped forearms ever. » view all 26 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Sam Faiers Is Working On Her Fitness

Sam Faiers Forgot To Wear Her Lingerie!

I’m not sure how Sam Faiers forgot to remember to wear nothing but lingerie to promote an event at a lingerie store. Not only do I mention it at pretty much every one of these things I cover, I thought that would be Rule #1 in the hot nobody playbook. But unfortunately, she’s wearing less in the posters she’s posing with. But hey, at least it’s not a total wash, thanks to the nice booty profile shots and hint of sideboob. My mom always said to look on the bright side. Enjoy. Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Sam Faiers Is Sexy In Leather

Normally whenever I write about a British hottie, I tend to focus mostly on their bustiness, but considering Sam Faiers isn’t giving me much to work with in that department in these shots, my eyes were actually able to make their way a couple inches lower this time around. And once they did, I realized what a great set of stems Sam’s got too. Who knew? All she needs now is a willingness to date (or at least hook up with) a blogger and she’ll be the total package. Fingers crossed. » view all 20 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Sam Faiers Knows How To Dress

I’ve started to come to terms with the fact that I’ll probably never get invited to any black tie events or charity balls, or pretty much anywhere with an open bar and a no sweatpants policy. It’s just classic blogger discrimination. But I’m still a little upset that a hot nobody like Sam Faiers here threw a party and didn’t tell me. I mean, c’mon, there’s no way a bunch of drunk British reality stars are better-behaved than me. I would’ve even made sure to say “Please” before asking to Sam to go motoroboating. See? The perfect gentleman. » view all 24 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Sam Faiers Knows How To Dress

Sam Faiers Knows How To Dress

I’ve started to come to terms with the fact that I’ll probably never get invited to any black tie events or charity balls, or pretty much anywhere with an open bar and a no sweatpants policy. It’s just classic blogger discrimination. But I’m still a little upset that a hot nobody like Sam Faiers here threw a party and didn’t tell me. I mean, c’mon, there’s no way a bunch of drunk British reality stars are better-behaved than me. I would’ve even made sure to say “Please” before asking to Sam to go motoroboating. See? The perfect gentleman. » view all 24 photos Photos: WENN.com

Excerpt from:
Sam Faiers Knows How To Dress

Sam Faiers Picture Moment

Sam Faiers Unknown Bikini Pictures

As usual I don’t know who the hell this Sam Faiers chick is, or why she spells her name with so many vowels, but as you know I like to promote hot nobodies who like to walk around half naked in their bikinis. So here we are. She kind of looks a worn out Elisha Cuthbert, who’s not afraid to show off the goods. I like it. I’m even kind of liking her little belly bulge. I want a bite.