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Lindsay Lohan: "Numb" to Bad Press, Just Livin’ Life

Lindsay Lohan swears she doesn’t give a hoot about any of the bad things people say about her – and that would be a lot of things, especially lately. The embattled starlet insists she doesn’t let it get to her. Lindsay says in an interview included on the new DVD release of her Elizabeth Taylor biopic, Liz & Dick , that at this point, she’s just numb to it all. Liz & Dick: Lindsay Lohan LOL Moments “You get to a point where I believe Elizabeth Taylor did as well, where you ignore it,” she said. “You just become numb to it and you just live your life.” “You just live the way that you feel you need to live it.” In her case, that would be on Adderall and nicotine. Lindsay Lohan believes that as, like, a famous Hollywood celebrity constantly in the spotlight, she can really relate to the kind of media scrutiny Taylor endured. “I understand the downfalls [of fame] and how you may feel when people kind of put you down in the press and I understand kind of fighting through that.” “I think a lot of people in this industry would relate to her on many levels, because you’re living life for everyone to see and people are growing up with you.” “I really understand that.” Deep, deep stuff.

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Lindsay Lohan: "Numb" to Bad Press, Just Livin’ Life