Justin Drew Bieber (London Ontario 1 de marzo de 1994) ms conocido como Justin Bieber es un cantante canadiense de pop En 2008 un ejecutivo de la industria de la msica llamado Scooter Braun descubri a Bieber cuando lo vio accidentalmente en u – 385473_4554927515649_1856207874_n.jpg See the original post: Justin Drew Bieber (London Ontario 1 de marzo de 1994) ms conocido como Justin Bieber es un cantante canadiense de pop En 2008 un ejecutivo de la industria de la msica llamado Scooter Braun descubri a Bieber cuando lo vio accidentalmente en u
I am one of the only three fans featured in that trailer and it was my best friend who spoke those words. Just over a year ago, on August 22nd 2010 in London Ontario, five of my closest friends and I went to the Justin Bieber My World 2.0 tour and it was the best concert of my life, for more than one reason. We weren’t doing anything half assed for this night. All of us spent hours on our tank tops and we decked out our cars to the extreme, blaring Biebs music and dancing out the sun roofs. As we drove down the street, we caught the attention of producers for what was soon to be Justin Bieber’s documentary movie. They ran up to us and straight up asked if we wanted to be interviewed for the movie. Of course after many screams, we rushed to the side of the arena and did a personal interview for nearly 7 minutes. Little did we know, much of that interview would be seen by Justin Bieber and millions of others around the world. As if that wasn’t enough, half way through the concert when Justin was riding on his infamous heart shaped machine through the crowd, a lady (I later discovered from watching the movie was one of Justin’s managers, Allison) pulled me into the aisle and told me to get my friend. They all were standing on chairs down the row, so I figured they would merely be scolded and I randomly grabbed the closest one to me. But she was very specific, she wanted my friend Rachael only. When we finally got her, all we heard was a scream and her being whisked away. Within the next two minutes, our friend was on stage being sung to by Justin Bieber himself (Yes, she is the girl in the movie who is sobbing her eyes out and wailing her love for him). It was an unbelievable experience in itself, and I couldn’t imagine how much better it could get until I received a call from Los Angeles asking for my parent’s signature to be officially allowed to be participated in the film , and two weeks later to see myself on a flat screen TV, split seconds after Usher was on screen. After the trailer craziness, the movie finally was released and we were featured over four times together and individually. One day after the entire affair was long over, I was shuffling through my drawers and I found a disgruntled and ripped Bucket List that I had thrown out on one dreary day. I had thrown it out because I believed my very first number, ‘Be In a Justin Bieber Video’, could never come true. I am pleased to say, I have crossed that off my list of things to do before I die. Justin Bieber has given me and my friends a story to share with our grandchildren. He gave me hope. Hope you enjoy, Ivana Read more from the original source: I am one of the only three fans featured in that trailer and it…