Tag Archives: longer-glamour

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

How about some Kim Kardashian fat fucking pig using a bag from designer boutiques as an umbrella, cuz she’s the smartet and richest pig in the barn, to not get wet, cuz bitches like this don’t like getting wet, they are more into dudes wanting to fuck them, then actually fucking them, you know too busy looking at the mirror applying movie make-up to cover up her Adam’s apple, mustache, that she can’t get wet or else people will know the truth, strapping herself in a harness to make her look as skinny as possible, despite the fact that she just can’t stop eating cake, and has the resources that allow her to stay seated for 40 hours at a time, she doesn’t even have to get up to piss, they have it sorted out, not that she was ever the pissing type, she was more into getting pissed on….. I don’t know what I’m ranting, I blame her fat ass in jeans and flat shoes for throwing me off my game…something I am sure has been blamed before and will be blamed again for ruining the world since she’s the fucking devil…not that this post is the world….or is it? FOLLOW ME

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Channels Liz Taylor of the Day

I think Hudgens took this Liz Taylor death a little too seriously, so seriously, that bitch had to put herself under a scarf to hide from the media like she was Liz Taylor in the 1960s….I am guessing this is classiest way she could think of being seen during a time of drawing attention to herself, you know after seeing one of the Liz Taylor retrospectives on TV…forgetting that Hollywood isn’t what it used to be…and is no longer glamour or class but instead nothing but an overpaid pile of shit filled with shitty people who are better off dead….or in sex tapes…a hustle Hudgens know far too much about…. Either way, it’s almost offensive, she might as well piss on Liz Taylor’s grave before she robs it, I mean her body is still warm, and ripping her off is more obvious than when I wore a 11 year old boy in public the day MJ died, and I’m posting it anyway, cuz me and Hudgens are best fucking friends, at least that’s what I tell her legal team as they breathe down my throat….as I try to look up her skirt in these pics… FOLLOW ME

Vanessa Hudgens Channels Liz Taylor of the Day