Tag Archives: longer-includes

Sen. Schumer‘s ’Three Branches’ of Government No Longer Includes Judiciary


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While sitting in on CNN’s “State of the Union” this morning, New York’s Senator Chuck Schumer was ringing alarm bells on what he perceives as a GOP threat to shut down the government this Spring during the upcoming Debt Ceiling debate and the Congressional battle over various elements of government funding. This tactic was nothing new as both sides traditionally use extreme examples to make their point…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 30/01/2011 17:41 Number of articles : 2

Sen. Schumer‘s ’Three Branches’ of Government No Longer Includes Judiciary

RIP Grandma Betty

There's sarcastic, and there's witty.

Here is the original post:
RIP Grandma Betty

The New 50 States

What the U.S. might look like if we redrew state lines to make the population of each state roughly equal, and gave the new states charming names. I grew up in Great Basin, but I lived in Coronado before coming to New York (which no longer includes Long Island or upstate)

Excerpt from:
The New 50 States