Remember Vanessa Minnillo ? She was a host on MTV’s Total Request Live back in the day. She also does, um, well, that’s pretty much it. So Vanessa, who’s really known for nothing more than being that hot chick dating Nick Lache , has revealed her future ambitions to In Touch Magazine , saying: “My goal is to be acting and winning an Oscar. I want to be an actress with an Oscar and babies.” [Vanessa] says she looks to Academy Award winner Julia Roberts for inspiration
See original here:
Vanessa Minnillo Should Become a Comedian
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Music, Sex, TV
Tagged after-the-dude, beverly-wilshire, black-halo, expectations, host-on-mtv, julia roberts, look-at-nicole, Mtv, really-really, Sex, sexy, their-different, touch-magazine, twice-as-much