Tag Archives: lookes-barely

Blake Lively Fake Nudes of the Day

There are some fake nudes of Blake Lively circulating around the internet, that could very well be real nudes of Blake Lively, because all women are whores, even you grandma, I mean even you would be a whore grandma, if you were alive, if you know what I mean. I was late to get them up cuz motherfucker I was out drinking….and there’s no computer where I drink…just tears, broken dreams and singer songwriting….where we rhyme things like star, care, where you are….Shit’s legendary…One day I’ll record…but today is not that day… Today is the day to debate whether this pics are legit nudes, crying for attention like a fake relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio… Everybody get excited, while I wait for the notices that they are underage pics and that it is illegal to post them, so that I am forced to take them down, even though it’s a good look for Lively since her face is so haggard she lookes barely alively, but in her mid 40s….. Either way this is what attention seeking fame whores do….apparently they also take self shot nude pics that I kinda love and that I know I could stare at all day because I have… So Blake Lively or not, give this bitch some work, I’m in love but not with her strategic face and pussy hiding… I’m calling legit. But only cuz I want them to be as they’d bring joy to my life instead of the hell I’m living. What are you thinking…no wait don’t answer that…cuz I know you aren’t actually there….and this whole conversation we’re having is fucking weird.

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Blake Lively Fake Nudes of the Day