Tag Archives: looking-senior

Jenny McCarthy is the Old Lady with Fake Tits of the Day

I mean that…..because that is exactly what she is…I mean she was in Playboy, then MTV, then her own sitcom in the 90s, that’s over 15 years ago, and a lot can happen in 15 years, like a bitch can age to shit, even if she kept herself fit, a bitch can have autistic babies because karma’s a bitch for all her annoying antics that made her millions, but if shes got fake tits, they kinda just stay the same….leading me to think she’s going to be a very weird looking senior at the home…all busty and firm….made of plastic….while the rest of her, mainly her vagina is dried the fuck up…. She’s not there yet, she’s here….and she’s showing off her fake tits that made her and as much as I hate fake tits and all they represent…like the attitude that comes with them, the ego, the way they feel, the fact that anyone can buy a pair and there’s no talent or genetic superiority in that, all it is, is the ability to save up 5,000 dollars…I never mind looking at them,

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Jenny McCarthy is the Old Lady with Fake Tits of the Day