Tag Archives: love-cameras

Michelle Rodriguez and her Weirdo Bikini Selfie Video of the Day

People may not know this based on the bratty behavior of celebrities…but they all love attention. They only moved to Hollywood for attention. There is no talent, there is no passion, there is no art…there is just some asshole who thinks “I’m good looking enough and persistent enough to get myself in movies, make a lot of money and really just carry myself into retirement, because I’m awesome”…and idiots who do casting buy into the bullshit… Michelle Rodriguez is one of those people, so even with her not being all that famous anymore, she’s running around in a bikini, but more weirdly, creating this bikini videos of herself that remind me of a snuff film or shitty porn…and I’m not going to try to make sense of it, because I don’t care…but I know these motherfuckers love cameras and all of their phones must have so much self produced content of their narcisstic and vain selves…that it’d be disgusting…something I’d expect videos of Michele Rodriguez rolling around to be…only for some reason I dig em… To See Her in a Bikini FOR THE PAPARAZZI CLICK HERE

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Michelle Rodriguez and her Weirdo Bikini Selfie Video of the Day