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Rebel Wilson Fondled Justin Bieber WHERE?!?

Rebel Wilson caught our eye in Bridesmaids , became our number one girl crush after Pitch Perfect , and now, it's official: We f*cking LOVE the woman. While appearing as a guest on the Graham Norton Show , she talks about an encounter she had with Justin Bieber while at opening night of Jennifer Lopez's “All I Have” show in Las Vegas. Rebel attended the concert with Kelly Osbourne when they noticed the teen idol sitting two rows behind them.  “We thought, you know what, Valentine's Day is coming up, we're both single, let's just make a play for him,” Rebel told the talk show host. In true high school fashion, the two passed a note to Justin, which read: “Dear Justin, My name is Kelly Osbourne. And my name is Rebel Wilson. We think you should take our sexy hot asses out after the show (nothing weird)” The note included “Yes” or “No” checkboxes for his answer. AND HE CHECKED YES! Guess Hailey Baldwin was taking a break from the Biebs that evening. She said the trio hung out all night and they took a selfie together, which Rebel shared to Instagram. When Norton mentioned that Justin looked a little nervous in the shot, Rebel had the best explanation: “Well, no, no, that's just 'cause I was holding his balls.” FOR. THE. WIN. We can't say we blame her for trying to get close to that package, which is reportedly quite impressive . Rebel stars in the new movie How to Be Single , and she's proving to have some stellar pickup tips we can all learn from.  See the note, the selfie and Rebel's hilarious interview below.

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Rebel Wilson Fondled Justin Bieber WHERE?!?