Tag Archives: lovers-take

Celebrity Hairstyle Showdown: Adam Lambert vs. Kourtney Kardashian

We apologize to Adam Lambert and his supporters. We’re huge fans of this singer and hate the idea of comparing him to someone as talentless as Kourtney Kardashian. But we have no choice. When we see celebrity hairstyles this similar, we’re obligated to poll readers over who does it better. Especially when both styles honor the master of the poof, Snooki herself. So we hope Lambert lovers take this with the grain of funny salt with which it’s intended and cast their vote now…

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Celebrity Hairstyle Showdown: Adam Lambert vs. Kourtney Kardashian

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“On I January, my husband informed me that he would be spending every Wednesday with his mistress.” A fantastic personal ad from The London Review of Books. She may have my favorite reason ever for not getting a divorce. Book lovers take note. View