Tag Archives: madam-secretary

Watch Madam Secretary Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 20

Ready for a look at what transpired on Madam Secretary? Good. Let’s do this! Watch Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 20 Online On the latest installment of this CBS drama, Elizabeth formally condemned the terrorist group Hizb-Al Shahid when she delivered her very first speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Later during the hour, she met with the Russian Foreign Minister to talk about forming a coalition. However, these discussions created a conflict of interest with Henry, who was searching for a way to save Dmitri’s ill sister. Click on the video above to watch Madam Secretary online and find out what else took place this week.

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Watch Madam Secretary Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 20

Sammie Spades: From Intern to Internal [PICS]

Skin Central would never guess that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton ‘s office was a hotbed of sexual energy- in fact, no offense to the Madam Secretary, but filing briefs and taking dictation sounds a lot more boring than shedding briefs and taking dick-tation. But now the secret former life of porn star Sammie Spades , star of titles like Bomb Ass White Booty 13 , has been revealed, and tit’s a shocker: in 2006, straight-A student Sammie worked as an intern for then-Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton ! When you consider that Huma Abedin , better known as Mrs. Anthony Weiner , is also Ms. Clinton’s personal aide, it makes you wonder what kind of schenanigans are going down over there on Capitol Hill. Perhaps Bill is putting Spanish Fly in the water cooler? Either way, Skin Central gives skintellectual Sammie an A+ in anatomy! More pics of Sammie Spades after the jump!

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Sammie Spades: From Intern to Internal [PICS]