Tag Archives: madam-tussauds

Fergie Grabs Her Boobs

I don’t know why that as a society we think that making a life size statue out of wax in some half assed celebrity’s likeness is a way to honor them, but we do, and the folks over at Madam Tussauds have done it again. Here’s Fergie grabbing a piece of her big waxed boobies at the unveiling the other day. Sadly, I’ve seen a lot of celebrity wax figures over the years doing this site, but this has got to be the first time that the mannequin looks better than the real thing. No wonder Fergie wanted to cop a feel. more pictures of Fergie here

Kelly Ripa Gets Waxed

I know that the title ‘ Kelly Ripa Gets Waxed’ is so stupid, what can I say I’m immature, but with all these egomaniac celebrities so excited about having a wax replica of themselves made it’s just too easy. Here’s Kelly and her waxy twin getting up close and personal at the Madam Tussauds Museum in New York City the other day. I don’t really understand this garbage, but I’d bang either one of these fine ladies. Call me.