Tag Archives: the-mannequin

White People Crazy: Obama Mannequin Lynched Over A Bridge In Racist Missouri County

This how ya’ll get down in Missouri ??? Really??? Obama Mannequin Hung Over A Bridge In Missouri Yahoo News reports A fully clothed mannequin wearing a President Barack Obama mask was discovered hanging by a rope from a highway overpass in the Kansas City area on Monday, police said. Interstate 70 was closed down briefly while a bomb squad investigated because sheriff’s deputies saw a suspicious device attached to the mannequin, said Sergeant Ronda Montgomery of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. No explosives were found on the mannequin, which was discovered on a bridge about 25 miles (40 km) east of Kansas City, Montgomery said. The mannequin was reported to the authorities around daybreak and it is unclear how long it had been hanging from the structure, she said. A rope was used to string up the mannequin but authorities were not releasing specific details, Montgomery said, adding that the incident was still under investigation. “We are trying to put pieces of the puzzle together, but it’s early,” Montgomery said. SMH….

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White People Crazy: Obama Mannequin Lynched Over A Bridge In Racist Missouri County

Fergie Grabs Her Boobs

I don’t know why that as a society we think that making a life size statue out of wax in some half assed celebrity’s likeness is a way to honor them, but we do, and the folks over at Madam Tussauds have done it again. Here’s Fergie grabbing a piece of her big waxed boobies at the unveiling the other day. Sadly, I’ve seen a lot of celebrity wax figures over the years doing this site, but this has got to be the first time that the mannequin looks better than the real thing. No wonder Fergie wanted to cop a feel. more pictures of Fergie here

Tiger Woods Press Conference Was a Sad Day for Men of the Day

I wrote on twitter that people need to leave Tiger Woods alone. I understand he is a billion dollar industry, but making a man publically admit he’s a little bitch who is owned by his sponsors, while pretending to be defending his wife, when he knows she’s just as bad as the whores he fucked behind her back, in terms of only liking him for his fame and money. I get that he was backed into a corner and had to read the shit 4 months later with no sincerity because he knows in the back of his mind that every single one of us would have done the same fucking thing. I also know that as a billionaire, he should be allowed to fuck anything he wants, from animals on the endagered species list to orphans he imports from third world countries and we shouldn’t have any right to judge him, as he’s proven to us that he’s better at life than we are.. The whole thing was depressing to see no matter how hard he tried to let us know he was being forced to do it…Wanting to fuck is not “having a problem”, it is normal, it is what our civilization is based on and to give him shit about it is so against the American dream, it is just another example of Christians raining on our parade so everyone’s gotta fuck off and stop annoying me with this Tiger shit. It’s done. I’m talking to you TMZ. And I guess this press conference is the official joke of the day. To See The Press Conference Follow THis Link GO

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Tiger Woods Press Conference Was a Sad Day for Men of the Day

Tightest Pants Ever of the Day

I saw this and couldn’t help but post it because I think these may just be the tightest pants ever and I can’t stop fucking laughing at the shit. You think she coulda chose shit in a different color, or maybe she’s not actually wearing pants, is this painted on? I really don’t know what I am lookin’ at, I just know it looks like the mannequin I once jerked off on, back in the 80s when I believe the movie Mannequin was a documentary…

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Tightest Pants Ever of the Day