Tag Archives: make-informed

Dhimmitube: YouTube Freezes PMW for Showing ‘Palestinian’ Mufti’s Speech that Muslims’ destiny is to Kill Jews


Here is the original post:

Here is the video that got PMW suspended. I have often said, “Truth is the new hate speech.” And here it is. There is a concerted and deliberate effort by the left and their useful idiots to keep the people uninformed and/or misinformed. Your ability to deduce and make informed decisions based on objective reality is seriously impaired if you haven’t got the facts. That’s the point of media bias, obfuscation… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Atlas Shrugs Discovery Date : 16/01/2012 19:10 Number of articles : 2

Dhimmitube: YouTube Freezes PMW for Showing ‘Palestinian’ Mufti’s Speech that Muslims’ destiny is to Kill Jews

Dhimmitube: YouTube Freezes PMW for Showing ‘Palestinian’ Mufti’s Speech that Muslims’ destiny is to Kill Jews


See the article here:

Here is the video that got PMW suspended. I have often said, “Truth is the new hate speech.” And here it is. There is a concerted and deliberate effort by the left and their useful idiots to keep the people uninformed and/or misinformed. Your ability to deduce and make informed decisions based on objective reality is seriously impaired if you haven’t got the facts. That’s the point of media bias, obfuscation… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Atlas Shrugs Discovery Date : 16/01/2012 19:10 Number of articles : 2

Dhimmitube: YouTube Freezes PMW for Showing ‘Palestinian’ Mufti’s Speech that Muslims’ destiny is to Kill Jews