Tag Archives: useful-idiots

Dhimmitube: YouTube Freezes PMW for Showing ‘Palestinian’ Mufti’s Speech that Muslims’ destiny is to Kill Jews


See the article here:

Here is the video that got PMW suspended. I have often said, “Truth is the new hate speech.” And here it is. There is a concerted and deliberate effort by the left and their useful idiots to keep the people uninformed and/or misinformed. Your ability to deduce and make informed decisions based on objective reality is seriously impaired if you haven’t got the facts. That’s the point of media bias, obfuscation… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Atlas Shrugs Discovery Date : 16/01/2012 19:10 Number of articles : 2

Dhimmitube: YouTube Freezes PMW for Showing ‘Palestinian’ Mufti’s Speech that Muslims’ destiny is to Kill Jews

Live-Streaming The Love Life And After-Life Of Steve McNair

McNair’s best friend Robert Gaddy says, despite all glaring indications, Mechelle and Steve weren’t getting for a divorce.

See original here:
Live-Streaming The Love Life And After-Life Of Steve McNair

The Critic-Proofing Of Lance Armstrong

The ad you see here is the new Lance Armstrong spot for Nike, which would be merely standard-issue, inspiromatic marketing schlock if it didn’t come so creepily close to suggesting that to criticize Lance now is to somehow enable cancer. Maybe this is an ungenerous reading. But it’s hard not to see the commercial as another expression of Armstrong’s galactic persecution complex, one that completes the process whereby the cyclist has wrapped himself so completely in his own worthy cause that anyone who questions the one is necessarily questioning the other

See the article here:
The Critic-Proofing Of Lance Armstrong