Tag Archives: make-it-legit

Fake Katy Perry Topless Picture of the DAy

A picture of some big breasted chick who looks a lot like Katy Perry is making the rounds today and I figure fake or not this is probably a good enough rendition of Katy Perry topless to make it legit….I’m not sure if you get what I mean, but let me put it to you like this…you don’t need to see the Mona Lisa in person to know a sketch or picture someone made of it is the Mona Lisa, you kinda just get the gist of it and really that’s all that matters…. But the good news is that I know two people who have fucked the real Katy Perry, and both those people have pictures, they just won’t share them with me but I am working on it… You see she was a slut when she was breaking out of her religious oppressed household…and there’s documented proof that I’m working on getting for you, just stay tuned…. In the meantime here’s a taste of what it may look like…a taste I can only assume her management staged.

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Fake Katy Perry Topless Picture of the DAy