Tag Archives: make-the-film

Win a Poster For The Ward Signed By Director John Carpenter!

Are you a lifetime John Carpenter fan? Have you been praying at the horror master’s altar ever since Dark Star and Assault on Precinct 13 ? If so, you might want to pay attention. In honor of Carpenter’s latest film — the psych ward-set psychological thriller The Ward — being released on Blu-ray this week, Movieline is giving away a half dozen one-sheets autographed by the Halloween helmer himself. Details ahead.

Win a Poster For The Ward Signed By Director John Carpenter!

Will Smith Courted for Ride on Fantastic Voyage

Since Hugh ain’t got no car , it appears director Shawn Levy has the next best actor in mind to lead his remake of the silly 1966 sci-fi film Fantastic Voyage : Will Smith. THR reports that Levy will only make the film if an A-list talent is attached, and he’s set up a meeting with Smith to gauge interest. If Smith isn’t a fit, Levy will possibly bail on Voyage all together. Fingers crossed this happens, if only for the inevitable Smith remake of Coolio’s ” Fantastic Voyage ” for the soundtrack. If you can’t take the heat, get yo’ ass out the kitchen. [ THR ]

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Will Smith Courted for Ride on Fantastic Voyage